Saturday, January 16, 2016

Hello 2016

This is my diary in 2016. Are there anyone who waiting for my new post? Hahaha *PD* Happy 2016. Flashback 2015. There is a new activity in me. :D I got it, my on the job training, I have done my "sidang", "revisi". Alhamdulillaah they are done! Flashback off. Now, I must do my "TA". Have good everythings for us. I believe that Allaah always gives me the best one. And I love become a "hamba Allaah" so much. Do you feel like me? When we say with our self, we don't say it to other person, Allaah hears it. Allaah gives us. It's true guys. It's always happen. So, let we do the best our 2016. Fightiiiiiiiing!!! :)


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